New Orthographic Rule To Be Implemented Step-By-Step

BISHKEK. The Kyrgyz Constitution and other laws, including other urgent documents to be re-published in accordance with the new orthography rules of the Kyrgyz language, will be reissued step-by-step. A member of the Commission for State Language under the Presidency, Professor Toktosun Akmatov told a RFERL correspondent yesterday that the first step is to publish the newly adopted laws in this way. For example, the nation is preparing new amendments and changes to the Constitution. When it will be adopted, the text will be published in accordance with the new orthographic rules. Specialists are criticizing both the shortage of copies of the rules and several of its articles as too complicated and unnecessary for common readers. Director of the Education institute at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Professor Isak Bekboev stressed the importance of organizing courses, workshops and seminars for teachers and authors of forthcoming textbooks on the orthographic rules. The Governmental decree on the new orthographic rules came into force on January 1, 2003.

Compiled and translated by Tyntchtykbek Tchoroev and edited by Charles Carlson in Prague