Kyrgyz-Tajik Inter-Governmental Commission To Meet In Batken

BISHKEK. Leaders of the Kyrgyz-Tajik inter-governmental commission on border issues, first deputy prime minister of Tajikistan, Akbar Turajonzoda and deputy prime minister of Kyrgyzstan, Bazarbai Mambetov, will have a meeting in the Batken region in the Southern Kyrgyzstan on January 13, 2003. Mambetov, who is also the representative of Kyrgyzstan at the Eurasian Economic Community, told RFERL today that heads of the Kyrgyzstan's Batken regional administration and Tajikistan's Soghd regional administration will participate at the meeting. As Mambetov said, all the Kyrgyz and Tajik border posts in the disputed areas around Vorukh enclave of Tajikistan were removed recently and the residents of the neighboring regions are traveling without obstacles.

Compiled and translated by Tyntchtykbek Tchoroev and edited by Timothy Jasek in Prague