Tursunbek Akun Is the Leader of the Human Rights Movement

BISHKEK. Board of the Kyrgyzstan Human Rights Movement (KHM) discussed today a scandal about temporary removal of its chairman Tursunbek Akun, by some Board members on Nov 18, and found the decision illegitimate. 9 Board members out of 15 participated in today's meeting. They criticized Melis Arypbek-uulu, Orolbay Berdigulov and Kenjebek Chyngyshev for distributing information on postponement of Akun's chairmanship. Tursunbek Akun was announced the legitimate chairman of KHM. A KHM conference will be held within few months to assess his report on the movement activities. Melis Arypbek-uulu said today that he did not participate at the Board meeting, but he will obey the decision by the forthcoming KHM conference on the scandal. Akun was in custody for participating at opposition protest actions, when some of his colleagues tried to temporarily remove him from his leading position.