Parliament Commission Reports To the Lower Chamber

BISHKEK. A Parliamentarian commission today reported to the Legislative Assembly of Kyrgyz parliament on its mission in the South. The commission set up by the lower chamber of the Parliament on November 5, aimed to learn the political situation in the No 33 Kara-Kulja constituency, where some voters were protesting against the Court verdict on barring Usen Sydykov from the run-off elections. Chairperson of the Parliament commission, Tajinisa Abdrasulova said that the commission members met with about 500 supporters of Sydykov in the town of Tash-Koemur and several villages of Uzgen and Kara-Kulja districts. Their only demand is to stop barring Sydykov from the run-off, said Abdrasulova. The Prosecutor General Myktybek Abdyldaev and the chairman of the Central Electoral committee, Sulaiman Imanbaev attended today's hearing in the chamber. According to Imanbaev, there is the only way to settle it, by holding the run-off. The chamber will continue debates on the issue on Monday. The parliament commission members held today a press conference on the results of their mission to the South. Member of the commission, MP Orozbek Duisheev rejected criticism by the First Deputy Prime Minister Osmonov, who said recently that some deputies were trying to worsen the political situation. I think, the deputies were trying to help to preserve peace. However, the Government officials distanced themselves from the ordinary people', said Duisheev in his turn.
Some foreign observers say that the big issue for Kyrgyzstanis is a trust towards Government, which recently reiterated that Kyrgyzstan would be the country of Human rights and Democratic values.