
8-Сентябрь, 2024-жыл, жекшемби, Бишкек убактысы 06:26

Lawyer of Feliks Kulov Criticizes Bishkek City Court for Delaying to Give Protocols of the Court Process

BISHKEK. Toktorbek Ashyrkul-uulu, a lawyer of jailed opposition politician Feliks Kulov told RFERL today that the Bishkek city court is delaying to give him the protocols of the court hearings. The court is obliged to give the protocols to the defendant after 5 days from the sentence date, said the lawyer. According to him, Feliks Kulov is considering to appeal to the High Court to overturn the court verdict.
Three months have already passed since 11 October 2002, the date the Bishkek City Court upheld the ruling against former Vice President of Kyrgyzstan Feliks Kulov, reducing Kulov's term by only one-third in accordance with the law on amnesty. A district court of Bishkek sentenced Kulov on May 8, 2002, to 10 years imprisonment, convicting him of embezzlement in 1993-1997 when he was governor of Chui Province. Kulov was already serving time in jail, having been convicted on a different charge. The Bishkek City military court sentenced him on 22 January 2001 to seven years imprisonment, convicting him of power abuse when he was the Minister of National Security in 1997-1998. Opposition and human rights activists say the trials were politically motivated. During 2002, there were several gatherings, hunger strikes and other protest actions in the country demanding Feliks Kulov's release.
An internet site run by AKI-Press Agency in Bishkek mentioned the incident connected with an alleged beating of Feliks Kulov by guards after the announcement of the court verdict on October 11, as one of the biggest events of the year 2002.