
8-Сентябрь, 2024-жыл, жекшемби, Бишкек убактысы 06:04

Tariffs For Electricity Will Not Be Raised In the New Year.

BISHKEK. The tariffs for electricity in 2003 will not be raised in Kyrgyzstan. Director of the Agency on Energy in the Kyrgyz Government, Ularbek Mateev, told a RFERL correspondent today that the authorities will cut the commercial and technical losses in electricity in order to keep the current level of the electricity prices. According to him, the management of electricity consuming is organized with severe shortcomings in the state enterprises. For example, the Jalalabadenergo Company had 21 percent of losses, the Oshelektro - 34 percent, and Severenergo - 40 percent of the electricity losses because of their poor management. He suggested privatization processes as the means of improving the situation.

Compiled and translated by Tyntchtykbek Tchoroev and edited by Timothy Jasek in Prague